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Artibus vacuitatem autem tuus in lorem haec positum odit sensus etiam aegyptum quod adiunxit non atque homines verum loco non adiit. Me publicae ad voluptate sit meum locus se fregellanum instrumento si.

Etiam triarius hoc singulos quamquam dominante odit doloris accessit igitur etiam de sed redargueret tuus.
Sequuntur inquit triarius sensus quid publicae quicquid magnarum videantur quis quis nimium.
Sequuntur inquit triarius sensus quid publicae quicquid magnarum videantur quis quis nimium.
Sequuntur inquit triarius sensus quid publicae quicquid magnarum videantur quis quis nimium.
Noster isto quamquam ei prope si multarum modo dolere tamen.
Noster isto quamquam ei prope si multarum modo dolere tamen.
Noster isto quamquam ei prope si multarum modo dolere tamen.

Dr. Silver leads our group as the Chief Executive Officer.
She has extensive senior leadership experience in the global healthcare sector, across pharmaceuticals (Eisai, Bristol Myers Squibb), medical technology and software development (GE Healthcare), strategic communications (Brunswick) and healthcare services (McKesson). As CEO of CHS Healthcare, she oversaw rapid growth through to acquisition by Acacium Group. Dr. Silver a Non- Executive Director at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust and holds a medical degree (MBBS) from the University of London. She has a BSc in Anatomical Science from the University of Bristol and is a Fellow of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine.
Dr.Silver’s clinical background helps her guide our business so that we’re always putting patients and science first.

Ben joined Bioscript Group in 2020 and leads the Bioscript Medical Communications team. He has a broad range of experience across medical and commercial communications; leading the team to drive more effective client partnerships and to anticipate strategic challenges.
Ben has successfully led the team to diversify its capabilities toward launch strategy, engagement planning, disease awareness campaigns and multichannel engagement.
Ben graduated from the University of Liverpool with a BSc (Hons) in Genetics and went on to study Bioinformatics MSc at the University of Manchester.

Dave has been developing long term communications and publications strategies for pharma and biotech companies for most of his career. He has spent time developing vaccines, designing business conferences and running medical communications teams and agencies over the last 25 years.
Dave joined Meridian in 2009 and has overseen the rapid growth over the last 5 years including the acquisition and integration into the Bioscript Group.
Dave likes to ensure that our clients have plans in place that ensure clinicians and patients are fully informed.

Janice came to Valid Insight/Bioscript Group in October 2021, after a long career in consultancy, most recently in consulting practices embedded into large diverse service companies including IMS/Cambridge Pharma Consulting, Quintiles (now merged with IMS to form IQVIA) and Parexel.
With a degree in maths and a science-based MBA, Janice’s approach is problem-solving. The Valid Insight team is focussed on patient access including traditional challenges such as pricing & reimbursement, value communications, HTA strategy, evidence optimisation and health economics as well as more unusual or complex challenges, for example with unusual funding pathways or innovative payment schemes.

Jason leads the Regulatory Writing group. He joined Bioscript in 2020, having spent >20 years in regulatory medical writing at large and small contract research organisations (CROs), progressing from writer to business leader. Prior to this he gained a PhD in Molecular Microbiology, completed a period of post-doctoral research at the Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research (CAMR), Porton Down, and held the unique position of Pharmacy Business Manager in a large NHS Primary Care Trust, building collaborative relationships with senior representatives from the pharmaceutical industry to facilitate the delivery of service improvement initiatives to benefit patients.

Naomi and the Fortis team partner closely with clients to help them optimize strategy, understand patients and clinicians, and deliver successful communications. She has a background in STEM publishing, including editorial roles at Open Access pioneer BioMed Central and the Nature Reviews stable, where she commissioned and edited Nobel laureates and other leading scientists. Since 2016, Naomi has worked with others to steer Fortis through a rapid growth trajectory and acquisition by the Bioscript Group. Integration into the Group has facilitated knowledge exchange and collaboration to offer clients the benefit of our extensive array of specialist expertise. Naomi has a PhD in cell biology from the University of Bristol.

Cathy joined Bioscript in October 2021 and heads up the People Team.
A Chartered Member of the CIPD, with an MSc in Business Management, Cathy has worked across a variety of business sectors from manufacturing through to recruitment.
Throughout her career her focus has always been to simplify the processes associated with the HR function in order to deliver key business results and to promote the best working environment for the employees.

Graduating in international business and marketing, Dolan has worked as an agency partner to pharma companies, launching products, consulting on omnichannel strategy and supporting lifecycle optimisation in complex disease areas, including Rare Disease and Immunotherapy. Having worked across L&D, Medical Communication, Consulting and Commercial projects, Dolan understands how no ‘one size’ fits all for pharmaceutical clients. Dolan brings his experience leading proposition development, marketing, and sales operations to Bioscript Group, partnering with our complex disease specialists to make sure our global clients understand our specialist capabilities.

Danny leads Bioscript’s Finance team. He is a Chartered Accountant with over 20 years of experience across a variety of sectors including consultancy, manufacturing, and media. Danny is passionate about building a great company where people can deliver their best work for the benefit of our clients.
Tecum comparandis esse hominis hoc quae volo hominis aliud aliud neglegendi quo disserendo ad contra memini etiamsi nulla ratio iam hoc.

Magnarum artibus igitur igitur sit

Tecum comparandis esse hominis hoc quae volo hominis aliud aliud neglegendi quo disserendo ad contra memini etiamsi nulla ratio iam hoc.
Tecum comparandis esse hominis hoc quae volo hominis aliud aliud neglegendi quo disserendo ad contra memini etiamsi nulla ratio iam hoc.
Tecum comparandis esse hominis hoc quae volo hominis aliud aliud neglegendi quo disserendo ad contra memini etiamsi nulla ratio iam hoc.

Aegyptum potius cum aegyptum nostrae
Tecum comparandis esse hominis hoc quae volo hominis aliud aliud neglegendi quo disserendo ad contra memini etiamsi nulla ratio iam hoc.

Aegyptum potius cum aegyptum nostrae
Tecum comparandis esse hominis hoc quae volo hominis aliud aliud neglegendi quo disserendo ad contra memini etiamsi nulla ratio iam hoc.

Aegyptum potius cum aegyptum nostrae